Saturday, August 25, 2012

RHONJ Teresa Drama & Amendment Attempts

Okay, this is how you know I'm not like most guys. Most guys I know are not watching Bravo, let alone drama shows that center around women. Thursday I was feverish and had a sore throat all day so I spend much of my time on our recliner in the den watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Yea, it was a Marathon that lead up to the final day of the vacation that the housewives took to California.

So far this season, we've seen Teresa go from hot to cold off and on. She's been a bitch for much of first half of the season, thus we can see where all this tension was coming from during the last reunion because around the time of that reunion (the one that Jacqueline was apparently too distraught to attend) they were filming the current season. Many felt that Teresa was being ganged up on even by Andy, but I did not feel bad for here in the reunion b/c I felt like it was karma coming back to get her (do we need to go into how she treated Danielle during the season 2 reunion?). It seemed at the beginning of this season Teresa and Melissa bumped heads because Teresa's obsession with Joe Gorga (her brother). Tre misses when her brother was at her house daily and had dinner with her more often, but she needs to understand that he is married with children now.  I did not like how she suggested that Melissa would cheat if a guy with more money came by. She seems sincere in her love for Teresa's brother, but I do wish she would put the microphone done. Caroline is still upset about what was said in the book.

Fast forward, a few episodes, we see her trying to make [family] amends all while her and Jacqueline have a falling out. Teresa and her brother ultimately agree to therapy, however Teresa being the delusional woman that she is, she goes into the office stating that there was nothing wrong with her and that it was all her brother's problems, however the brother states that he is trying, but at the same time, Teresa is not his only family anymore. At Teresa's book signing, Kathy made some comments about her mom's deserts in the Teresa took offense too. NEWSFLASH: Teresa, they may be your mom's recipes, but that does not mean that your mom and Kathy did not share the recipe and often make the same baked goods, give it a rest!

Going on to the vacation now, Teresa is still trying to make amends, however she keeps bringing the damn cookbook event up with Kathy and all the while Caroline who I think is just as bitter as they come narrates the entire marathon like it's a Godfather movie. I've always had this problem w/ her, she's so dramatic, as if she's in a Mafia movie of some sort. Hun, nobody cares that you hold on to your words and draw them out longer than they need to be, it's not that impressive! Much of her narrations have to do with Teresa, making accusations that the conversations are taking to long, and she's worried that Jacqueline is going to be hurt, even when Kathy was doing Caroline's hair, it was just another way for her to talk about Teresa. For someone whom she's supposedly gotten out of her life, she sure does talk about her quite a bit. Speaking of that, I do find it odd that you want to get her out of your life now, but you were siding with her when she was treating Danielle like a dog. Now that Danielle is not on the show anymore, she just needs someone else she can bash or cut lose. She needs to focus more on making amends with her sister than she does bashing Teresa so much. It seems that no matter what Teresa is doing, Caroline criticizes it.

With that being said, Teresa does need to own up to her wrong as well. It's like she can't stand to see anyone else happy. She throws accusations out but when it comes back to haunt her she runs away. She talks about everyone but yet she can't take it back. She is a deluded individual, she lies to herself until she believes her lies. I don't doubt her sincerity is wanting to make amends with her brother, sister-in-law and her cousin, but I do question her mindset. Why does she think she's totally innocent in this? She does seem to want nobody to succeed but her. Even with that, I could not help but feel terrible for where when her husband called her a bitch and a cunt and rejects her advances later on. He treats her like crap (we get to see this throughout the season). One thing I can agree with Caroline about is the divorce coming between Teresa and Joe Guidice soon. And a well needed on at that.  Anyway I'm waiting on the final fall out between her and Caroline on Sunday's episode. What do you think about Teresa? Do you believe there is some underlying motive for this family reconciliation? What do you think about Caroline? Should she let to book comment go? I've love your input, feel free to comment.