Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Wow, been a while since blogging about anything lately. I've been devoting a little time to my youtube life and I'm trying to build my fan base via social media. Twitter so far has not gotten me much views, so I'm going to look into google plus. I'm building circles as I type this and I'm trying to promote my post like that. I blog about real things affecting me and I try to be totally honest w/ myself and really think about how I'm feeling at the moment.

Anyway, I've finally been offered a job, and I'm very excited about that. Now I'm really thinking about saving up for about six months and trying to get my own place. I've looked a couple of new rental house developments built but the rent is quite high, as well as the one apartment complex that I looked at today. It seems that the nicer ones are quite pricey even if they aren't in necessarily safe parts of town. The cheaper ones tend to be in need of desperate repair. I may have to see how much money I can save w/ the job and then try to find a second job to make my ideal place come true. The real moment came with realizing that I am 25, I've been in college for seven years, I feel like my parents kind of micromanage everything or take over many things like I'm five years old! Most of my friends have gone on with their lives while I'm stuck living w/ my folks, I realize that the only way to get some real experience is via getting my own place. Think about it, I've never had a fulltime job, never had a steady date mate, I'm a virgin (though I don't make a big deal about it). I mean there are guys and girls 7 years or more younger than I do that I have the tools needed to survive on their own. I have to get my own place. I need to learn some self-reliance. I mean I can wash dishes, wash clothes, iron to some extent, but I need to make it out on my own. I need to start a new chapter in my life. It's that simple. I'm getting too old for this. Many of my friends are married off with children and even if they aren't, they are working and they've got income of their own.

I wouldn't call myself ungrateful but damn man, I need to do some things on my own. It's one thing to get help from somebody, I mean everybody wants help to some extent, but it's completely different to TAKE OVER the whole assignment or task at hand.  It's just been three long years since getting my bachelor's degree and I've finally landed a job and I feel that it's time to just move on. Get a fresh start. Get some real freedom and some real independence. I love my parents as most who had good parents do but enough is enough! I feel like I always have to check in or check out. It's as if I'm incapable of doing anything w/o anyone's opinion. Just time to move on. Not going away, but it's time to get a place of my own and really learn the skill of paying bills, budgeting, etc, etc, et..al.

Anyone else feel like this at times? Sound off!